Concord Hill School (CHS) in Chevy Chase, Maryland has launched an energy awareness program called EnergyVibeTM to cultivate respect for the environment, prepare students to become environmental stewards, and reduce electricity used by students, faculty, and staff. The EnergyVibe Occupant Training Program designed by 2rw Consultants, Inc. is a behavior change program that involves all members of the Concord Hill Community. Faculty will lead by example by working together to review trends in utility data and identify energy efficiency solutions. Students will also learn what they can do to conserve resources – such as turning off lights and recycling – and why it matters. The EnergyVibe initiative is in line with the school’s mission to teach preschoolers through third graders the values of knowledge, character, respect, play, and community. The program is available to CHS free of charge through an incentive from Pepco Maryland.
CHS is the first organization in the Pepco Maryland service territory to participate in a 12-month EnergyVibe Occupant Training Program designed by 2rw Consultants, Inc. EnergyVibe is fully incentivized by Pepco’s Commercial and Industrial Energy Savings Program, so CHS is able to participate without any impact on its budget. During the first phase of the program, 2rw worked with CHS to benchmark its energy use via the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager and to establish a committee to run the program. Throughout the year, 2rw will support CHS by providing workshops for faculty, creating materials for students, and building an interactive website for families.
Other Maryland businesses, schools, and organizations may be eligible to participate in EnergyVibe at zero net cost through the Occupant Training Incentive offered by Pepco. Unlike other building improvements, behavior-based energy solutions require very little up-front investment and can yield electricity savings of 3-10% within the first year. In addition to lowering utility costs, programs like EnergyVibe can build teamwork and improve health and comfort for students, employees, and residents. The energy-saving habits learned at school or in the workplace can easily be adopted by families to save money on electricity bills at home.