Danville, VA

Danville Courthouse Addition and Renovation

Scope of Services
Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEP) Engineering

The Danville Courthouse was originally built in 1968 with a modern intent. After almost 50 years, the courthouse had become uninviting, functionally impaired, and lacking in character. The City of Danville determined it was in need of an addition and renovation to bring it up-to-date and more in scale with the surrounding classical buildings.

2RW Project Case Study Main Image

2RW designed MEP engineering systems for the renovations and additions to this facility.

  • Mechanically, this project involved the extension of the existing VAV mechanical system; replacement of existing chiller and cooling towers; re-piping of the central chilled water piping loop (which also serves the adjacent City Hall); replacement of all existing VAV diffusers with VAV terminal boxes; and a new building automation system.
  • Electrical system renovations and additions included replacement of incandescent lighting with fluorescent; data and telephone systems; replacement of the existing emergency generator; power distribution; closed circuit television, door lock and intercom systems for the jail areas; sound systems for courtrooms.
  • Plumbing work involved replacement of the existing central domestic water heater; and extension of existing piped services as necessary.
Scope of Services
Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEP) Engineering

OWNER: City of Danville


SIZE: 79,127 SF

COST: $6 million