Manassas Park, VA

Manassas Park City Schools Cougar Elementary School

Scope of Services
Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, and Fire Protection (MEP/FP) Engineering

Cougar Elementary School encompasses a 90,000 square foot complex, including Manassas Park Elementary and Pre-K Schools, and consists of the three Academic Houses and Administrative/Commons areas. The Commons area houses a full-service kitchen, multi-use room and city square. The Academic Houses include classrooms, computer labs and teacher work areas.

2RW Project Case Study Main Image

The heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) system is a water source heat pump system, comprised of various types of individual heat pumps, modular gas-fired boilers and an evaporation cooler. Outside air supply for the Academic Houses is maintained in strict balance and effectively delivered by packaged heat recovery /dehumidification units located in the attic mechanical rooms.

Plumbing facilities include water and gas supply, domestic water heating equipment, waste/vent, fire protection and kitchen grease interceptor. Indirect fluorescent pendant lighting is provided for all classrooms, and high intensity discharge (HID) lighting is provided in the commons area and other large spaces. The building is fully wired for voice-data-CATV systems, and protected by a passive security and fire alarm system. Cougar Elementary was engineered to meet the requirements of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) 90.1-1989.


Scope of Services
Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, and Fire Protection (MEP/FP) Engineering

OWNER: Manassas Park City Schools


SIZE: 90,000

  • 2008 Honor Award – JRGBC
  • 2002 Honor Award – AIA Virginia
  • 2002 Honor Award – AIA Central Virginia
  • 2002 Citation of Excellence, Learning by Design – ASBJ
  • 2001 Honor Award – VSBA